Downloadable Investor Lists

Welcome to our collection of downloadable lists of Australian investors and investors based off-shore who are taking an active interest in Australian companies.


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Lists of Australian Investors for Download

Welcome to our collection of downloadable lists of Australian investors.

Our resources are meticulously researched and created to assist start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses at various stages of growth to find the right investors. These lists span a diverse array of investment types, from Angel Investors and Venture Funds to Private Equity and Family Offices. Each list is compiled with care and extensive research from publicly available information, providing you with mandates, past investments, and contact details for principals or directors.

Each list in our collection is designed to provide targeted information, helping businesses and entrepreneurs streamline their search for financial partners and align their pitching strategies with the interests and investment criteria of potential backers. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand, our lists offer a gateway to a world of investment opportunities.

Our Investor Lists Include:

1. List of Active Australian Angel Investor Contacts - 579 Contacts

Angel investing involves individuals or groups who provide capital for start-up businesses without revenue, typically in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. These investors provide the seed funding needed to kick-start operations. They typically invest between AUD $10,000 and $500,000.

An angel investor often contributes not just capital but valuable advice and mentorship, taking an active interest in the company’s development. Active start-up investors are not just financial backers but partners who provide guidance, connections, and support to help start-ups navigate the early challenges of business growth. They are keen on technology start-ups, innovative business models, and companies with potential for rapid scale.

You have a less than 1% chance of attracting angel investment based on statistics in the space. So ensure you are putting your best foot forward by downloading one of our pitch decks. These decks coach you to create investment materials that ensure your company is backable by investors.

2. List of Active Private Equity and Growth Investors - 495 Contacts

Private equity firms provide much larger sums, generally investing in millions, and can go as high as hundreds of millions, depending on the target company's valuation and growth stage. These investments usually target companies with established revenues and proven business models that require capital to expand or restructure operations, enter new markets, or finance a significant acquisition. Private equity investments are not limited by sector, although there is a keen interest in high-growth industries like fintech, biotech, infrastructure and sustainable energy solutions.

3. List of Australian-Based Family Offices - 74 Investor Contacts

Family offices manage the private fortunes of affluent families, with the dual goal of growing the family wealth and preserving it for future generations. Investments can range widely, from small seed investments in start-ups to major stakes in large enterprises. They might also invest in real estate, hedge funds, and philanthropic activities. Their investment decisions are often guided by the family’s values and long-term goals, making them more flexible in terms of investment criteria and horizons.

4. List of Australian Venture Funds - 280 Investor Contacts

Venture funds are investment funds that manage the money of investors seeking private equity stakes in start-ups and small-to-medium-sized enterprises with strong growth potential. As active investors, these funds actively invest in various sectors, including technology, healthcare, and renewable energy, aiming to invest in companies that show potential for significant economic returns. They play a proactive role in the lifecycle of the companies they invest in, from the early fundraising process to providing ongoing support and guidance. Venture funds typically operate with a lifecycle of 5 to 10 years, investing from $500,000 to $10 million in a single round of financing, often participating in several rounds as the company grows. Among the sectors of particular interest is climate tech, where venture funds are keen on supporting innovative solutions to climate-related challenges, often through their portfolio companies.

5. List of Venture Debt Providers - 50 Investor Contacts

Venture debt refers to loans provided to venture-backed debt funds that may not yet be profitable or generating significant revenues but have raised substantial equity capital from reputable venture capital investors. This type of debt is less dilutive than equity financing, allowing founders to retain more control while accessing the capital needed for growth. Venture debt can range from $500,000 to several million dollars and is typically used alongside equity financing to extend a company's runway and finance key growth initiatives.

5. List of Brokers & Advisory Companies - 130 Investor Contacts

These firms play a critical role in the capital raising ecosystem by connecting businesses with the right investors. They also provide strategic advice on structuring deals, negotiating terms, and navigating regulatory requirements. Investment brokers and advisors are indispensable for companies looking to engage in complex transactions such as initial public offerings (IPOs), mergers, and acquisitions.

6. Accelerators and Capital Raising Programs - 106 Investor Contacts

Accelerators support early-stage, growth-driven companies through education, mentorship, and financing in a fixed-period, cohort-based setting. This results in an intensive, rapid, and immersive education aimed at accelerating the life cycle of young innovative companies, compressing years’ worth of learning-by-doing into just a few months. Such programs often culminate in a public pitch event or demo day to accelerate fundraising. Typical investments from accelerators range from $10,000 to $120,000 in exchange for equity. Additionally, accelerators often collaborate with angel groups to further bridge the gap to funding rounds.

7. Full Australian Investor Lists - The Full Bundle - 1,714 Investor Contacts

This bundle offers comprehensive access to our entire database of investor lists, combining detailed information across all categories. It is ideal for businesses that are exploring multiple funding avenues or need to tailor their financial strategies across various stages of development. The bundle is designed to provide a panoramic view of the investment landscape, facilitating a more strategic approach to raising capital.

Frequently Asked Questions about Downloadable Investor Lists

How do you find investors?

To find investors, start by downloading our investor lists and sending them a 2 page teaser pitch deck about your business, and requesting a pitch meeting. You can also network within industry events and online platforms. Utilising our curated lists (above) can significantly streamline this process by providing direct contact details and investment focuses of active investors.

How do I create a list of investors?

Creating an investor list involves researching investors who match your industry, investment stage, and funding requirements. But don't bother - you can just download our lists - the largest of which includes 1,714 investors based in Australia or making active investments in Australian companies.

Who are the biggest investors in Australia?

Australia hosts several prominent investors, including VC firms like Blackbird Ventures, Square Peg Capital, and Air Tree Ventures, known for their substantial investments in technology start-ups and high growth companies.

Our investor lists have identified over 1,195 funds, companies and individuals investing in Australia, some of them with billions of dollars under management.

How to find an investor in Australia?

To find an investor in Australia, leverage our investor lists, and start reviewing their mandates and past investments to find alignment with your business.

After you find the investor, we recommend you send them a 2-page teaser deck about your business and request a pitch meeting. We also recommend you do this with multiple investors and throw the net as widely as possible in the first round. From there, you can proceed in refining the investors down to a small few to continue on the investment process with.

How do I find a silent investor?

Silent investors typically prefer to remain passive in the business operations. To find them, look for private equity funds or individuals interested in solely financial returns without day-to-day involvement. Our lists can help identify such investors. They are pretty rare - most investors want to control, or contribute to, your business to minimise their risk and increase returns.

How do I find investors for my small business?

For small businesses, start by downloading our lists of angel investors or family offices.

Whether you are a fledgling start-up or an established company seeking to expand, finding the right investor is crucial. Our lists offer a gateway to a wealth of investment opportunities and connections to fuel your business’s growth. By providing detailed information and easy access to a range of investors, we empower you to navigate the fundraising landscape effectively, ensuring a better tomorrow for your business.